Saturday, July 12, 2014

Movie Review: "Afflicted" (2013)

Afflicted (2013)

            It’s funny, because this will be the second “found footage” type film that I have reviewed, even though I am adamant that I dislike them. Maybe I’m just lying to myself? Anyway, “Afflicted” is a Canadian horror film shot in several “blog entry” type segments, and eventually in first-person and third-person found footage style. My best friend and I wound up renting it from Red Box out of boredom, and because the description made it sound pretty sweet (however, it left out the found footage bit, and I initially did not want to give it a chance.) In a surprise twist, I can honestly say “Afflicted” is one of the better horror films I’ve seen, and I’m currently in the process of recommending it to all my friends!
            “Afflicted”’s plot centers around Derek and Clif, two best friends who have decided to travel the world in a year-long trip and video blog about it along the way. Derek has recently been diagnosed with AVM, a brain malformation that has aroused great concerns with his friends and family, and he feels if he does not go on the trip now, he will never have the opportunity. With doctors’ blessings, the two set out; however, after Derek is attacked by a one-night stand in Paris, things start to take a scary turn. Derek begins exhibiting “superhero” powers, but also seem freaky medical side effects (at one point, his contacts somehow fuse to his eyes, and he is forced to pull them off in a very gut-wrenching, painful scene.) *SPOILER* We learn Derek’s “disease” is vampirism, and as he progresses further and further, things take a deadly turn.
            I cannot say it any other way: I loved this film. The actors were amazing, and I loved the characters. All of the special effects were excellent, and though the film had its gory/bloody bits, nothing was ever too over-exaggerated or cliché. “Afflicted” re-sparked my love for vampires; the vampire here is very horrifying, very monster-like, but still retains Derek’s humanity in a way that is fascinating, saddening, and intriguing all at once. The film still looks very professional, despite its “found footage” appearance, and I am uncertain why it is not more popular. If you haven’t seen it yet, I strongly recommend you go out and rent it, or try to find a LEGAL version online—it’s worth the cash, trust me.
            “Afflicted” is a diamond in the rough, and really brings back the darker sides to vampirism that has been forgotten in recent years (here’s looking at you, Stephanie Meyer.) The ending is honestly brilliant, make sure you watch until the end of the credits or you’ll miss it! I have no possibly suggestions to improve this film, except that it should have been better promoted, because it is brilliant. It’s obvious a lot of hard work went into “Afflicted,” and it definitely pays off. Hopefully we will be seeing more from the “Afflicted” creators—who, coincidentally, are the stars of the film.
            If you want a film with good jump scares, a magnificent plot, fantastic acting, great vampires, and lots of suspense with just enough blood and guts, “Afflicted” is definitely for you. I myself am in the process of securing a hardcopy, because I would love to be able to watch this again later. “Afflicted” is a great example of how modern day horror can still spin new twists on classic scares, and if you’re a horror buff like me or just an occasional scary movie fan, this film is perfect for you. However, if you are sensitive to gore (especially concerning eyeballs or throats,) I would be wary of watching, but I still believe you would enjoy this. “Afflicted” honestly surprised me, and I’m really glad I found it!
If you have seen this, I would love to hear your opinions in the comment section! If you have any requests for other film reviews, please comment below.

Pros: Fabulous acting, great plot, good “revamp” of classic horror

Cons: Doesn’t get the recognition it deserves
Rating of 5 Stars:

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